Saturday, September 20, 2008

The shortest parade for the littlest town

About 9:45AM this morning we went over to Dad's office. We waited for the parade to start at 10AM. It started with ONE uniformed Soldier carried the American flag. Along with him followed: A city policecar with our own Barney Fife, our local fire department with BOTH trucks throwing candy to the masses (which was all the town of a few hundred), three bands from surrounding towns, some pageant contestants, three church floats that threw out Mardi Gras beads and candy, LAWN mowers even though they were driving on asphalt and the good old standby TRACTORS.
Mom caught two beads-one blue and one purple (which were Mike and Dom colors) and I caught two beads-one green and one gold ( which were Pat and Tim colors)-YEEEEE HAAAAAAW!
The parade was finished in 7 minutes and then we drove back home. By the time we got home they were coming down our street and we watched it AGAIN!!! I believe we have about 5 streets to cover. So, why did we go to Dad's office and watch it when it was coming down our street? So, we could get MORE candy/beads and enjoy 14 minutes of a good parade. YEAH!
Later we went to the park and ate and Dad noticed that even out 'town dog' made it to the festivities. LOL

Oh so much fun in a small town.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My little girl is growning UP to fast!!!!

We got a phonecall Friday that my oldest niece, Haley 11 yrs old, is going to her first school dance. I can't believe it has been such a long time since she was just a baby. NOW! she is going to her first dance.
We talked to her Saturday to hear all abou the dance. She said she had a really good time. She did some dancing but no 'huggy' dancing. LOL
She had a formal gown and was absolutely adorable. She got to be with her 'boyfriend.' I am looking forward to hearing how my youngest niece, Addie 7 yrs old, fares with her first school dance then.

on a side note-my 1 and 2 yr old cousins were in the paper this weekend. They were at a flea market and made the headlines. HOW CUTE!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spending an evening with my cousins and etc.

My aunt called last week. She works at a florist shop. She is in her 70s and needed me to help babysit grandchildren, my cousins, for the day. They are 1 and 2 years old. It's been a while since I dealt with this age group. It didn't take them long to open up to me and then we had a really good time. The one year old was attached to me in just a few minutes. Her brother was a little different. He needed to watch a video for the next hour before napping.
Late in the afternoon my parents picked me up. Having forgotten about their energy, I was quickly reminded, when I spent the day with them.
My aunt wants me to come back but this time I am goiing to help her with 'Mothers Day' flowers.
I went to church Sunday and had to babysit again for one of the church ladies. The kids were 5 and 7 years old and were none stop chattering away.
To say the least, this has been a very child weary weekend. But, I will definitely miss all of them.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Easter Weekend

Friday we took my nieces back home to St. Louis after having them for the week. Addie kept talking about me catching a snake but there was another one waiting to be caught. It really wasn't that big and there was no other one. But, she is only 7 and LOVES to exaggerate. haha
Saturday their church had children's social time: games, snacks, crafts, etc. Mom helped the little kids for about two hours and we had a blast.
Sunday morning Addie informed us that the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy ran into each other last night because she had lost her tooth and put it under her pillow. LOL
Sunday we went to church and listened to the cantata which lasted for half an hour. They played some of my favorite songs. We then went to my sister-in-law's family house and had Easter dinner. We took several family photos, including their dog, and then downloaded about 157 pictures before we left. I had taken some pics of the flood as well. On the way back home the state had posted several 'do not stop and take photos of flood' signs because there were so many people trying to and it was creating a problem.
Overall, the week was very entertaining. As always is when little kids are involved. HAHA

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A Very Sad Event-Prayer Request

One of my neighbors, Jane, had a tragedy in her family earlier this week.
Her son, John, for reasons unknown committed suicide when he shot himself. The funeral was today. She need all the prayers she can get. This is her second child that has passed away. Her only daughter died after a dramatic illness. A week later her husband died of a heart attack. This was less than 10 years ago. She had been battling emotional issues for years and we are not sure how this will affect her progress in that area.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dining out and church time

I went out today with my family for lunch. We went to Pasta House. The waiter was named JASON, imagine that, and he kept flirting with me the time we were there. LOL Must have been the new cologne I got. haha
Little Emily at your made an amusing comment today. We were discussing animals at the St. Louis Zoo. She was feeding the goats. She explained to me that 'he has a dirty name'. She said 'it starts with an A.' Didn't want her to elaborate.
At church today they played Amazing Grace. Annette had told me about the Haygoods and how much their rendition has already touched so many. I was thinking of that when they played and it really got me. But, also because that happens to be the song they played when I decided to accept Christ as my Savior.
It was a well rounded day. The kids will be at my house until Friday and then we will take them home and be there for Easter.
Happy St. Pattys day everyone-and enjoy Easter.

Monday, March 10, 2008

What Little Girls Say

Addie, my 7 yr old niece, is making decisions on her wardrobe. She has become very picky about herself. She is even starting to decide her family's wardrobe. She was with her mom in a dressing room. Her mom asked her opinion on a green blouse and brown pants. She told her she liked it 'but you look like a tree.' Her dad walked past her in the house one time and she yelled 'Hey, are you going to where that. It doesn't match.' Her dad went back and changed. Can't leave home without her approval. LOL
Emelie, a little girl in our church, decided to inform Mom during Sunday School of her discovery. She told her that the Lord has led us in the right direction. She also told her that we should not let someone get bossy in their church. All her mom could do was go 'hmmmm' and leave it at that.
***We also have gotten a new Pastor. We started with 20 or so and am now up to 50!!***

Friday, March 7, 2008

My 7 year old niece and other events for the week

Wednesday they announced at church that the Pastor and his wife were going to Hawaii. Someone made a comment that he will have to learn the language down there, get a grass skirt and be prepared to Hula. ha
We all agreed we would pay money to see him do that. Needless to say, they have made it to Hawaii but no news on the dancing.
My 7 year old neice, Addie, called today. She was talking to Grandma about something. Then she wanted to talk to be about what she got. She told me she got a new brush that cleans the bathroom tub. 'And it cleans it VERY well,' she said. All I could do is almost laugh at her. But, I managed to keep it to myself. I told her I wanted to see what she got when we see them next.
We also discussed her newest pets-the hermit crabs. She informed me that they are doing fine.
Not much news but a fairly interesting week.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some more small town life stories

Mom's birthday is tomorrow. Dad and I went shopping for her gift. As we were going through the check out Dad was on a conference call. I heard part of the conversation in which he mentioned bullets and a deal he was making with one of his clients. Dad please don't show him how you shoot the rampant squirrels in the neighborhood. HAHA The sheriff said you were the only one that could do it. LOL
BIG NEWS for our town. The railroad tracks are being redone and everyone is town is abuzz with excitement. Today we watched a HUMONGOUS machine lift the track and separated the gravel and dirt from the area. It then moved everything to the other side of the road. OOOH now the rails are on the 'wrong side of the track.' sorry-small town humor.
But, to borrow from Kim there was plenty of EYECANDY to view. yum yum
Plus the loner dog in town is STILL wandering around. Not, sure who belongs too-but he looks like he is doing okay.
Well, that's it for now.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Haygood Wedding-a musing

I was talking to Annette and we started talking about Michael and his Celtic music. We were joking and wondering if he ever gets married would it be a traditional wedding or a Celtic themed wedding. Can you just picture him and the other six Haygood men in kilts. I would pay BIG money to be invited to that one. LOL

Sorry, but it seemed some of the other blogs were a little too intense and it was time to lighten the atmosphere with some humor.

sorry-Michael-you get to be the object of our entertainment for today. love ya though Tigger.;)

Friday, February 8, 2008

My weird week.

Yesterday I ended up at the eye doctors and back again today. Somehow I scratched the retina of my eye. I had to wear a patch to sleep and will occassionally for awhile. I have to go back to my old eyeglassses for two weeks instead of the contacts.
Mom and I went to Wal-Mart for shopping. I ran into a friend of mine who noticed I wasn't feeling well. He sympathized and gave me his winnest grin. A little later I ran into another friend who was overenthusiast in helping me find cat food. I am reminded of what my friend, Annette, said about God having someone for each of us. While I wait for Him to allow us to meet I will enjoy views. LOL

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Different Way of Getting Rid of Snow

Most big towns have snow plows going up and down their streets to get rid of the snow. Our tiny little town has a John Deere tractor with a plow in front of it. Still gets the job done but in a more amusing way. LOL

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In The Dark

I am sitting in the dark with no electricity for over 2 hours. How is it possible that I am posting now? Well, the phone works so I called Annette to type this for me. haha
My parents are sitting in the living room with candles talking about 'good ol' times'. They are talking about ' grandma's featherbed' and hating to get out of bed on the cold mornings. You would get tucked in so snug you couldn't move during the night.
Taking a shower in the dark is fun. If I missed any spots I'll see if when the lights come back on.
The WHOLE town is dark and given our population that ain't much. LOL
Even my black cat that goes out at night is freaking out because she doesn't know if she is indoors or outside. It is hard to find her too. I think she is going to hide until the fear of us stepping on her in the dark subsides.
I am eating take out by candlelight and since I am alone in the kitchen it doesn't seem so romantic as I picture other candlelight dinners. I could think of someone to share the candlelight with but he is too far away now. lol (it starts with the letter ____)
Mom and Dad have stopped talking and he is now reading the newspaper by candlelight. Hope he doesn't get too close to the flame. Then he will be one HOT Daddy. haha