Sunday, May 4, 2008

My little girl is growning UP to fast!!!!

We got a phonecall Friday that my oldest niece, Haley 11 yrs old, is going to her first school dance. I can't believe it has been such a long time since she was just a baby. NOW! she is going to her first dance.
We talked to her Saturday to hear all abou the dance. She said she had a really good time. She did some dancing but no 'huggy' dancing. LOL
She had a formal gown and was absolutely adorable. She got to be with her 'boyfriend.' I am looking forward to hearing how my youngest niece, Addie 7 yrs old, fares with her first school dance then.

on a side note-my 1 and 2 yr old cousins were in the paper this weekend. They were at a flea market and made the headlines. HOW CUTE!!

1 comment:

Tina said...

That is so cute!
The sad thing is... an eleven year old has gone to her first dance before me, and I'm 17. 'Course, I had the opportunity to go to several dances last year, but I just never went. :P

She must have been adorable though!!! :D

<3 Tina