Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Haygood Wedding-a musing

I was talking to Annette and we started talking about Michael and his Celtic music. We were joking and wondering if he ever gets married would it be a traditional wedding or a Celtic themed wedding. Can you just picture him and the other six Haygood men in kilts. I would pay BIG money to be invited to that one. LOL

Sorry, but it seemed some of the other blogs were a little too intense and it was time to lighten the atmosphere with some humor.

sorry-Michael-you get to be the object of our entertainment for today. love ya though Tigger.;)


annette07 said...


That is a very interesting topic. Hmmm, which one would look better in a kilt?! I would love to see that as well and find out. lol

Tina said...

Hahahaha. Hey, soon as you find a way to weasle into that wedding, swing by and pick me up on your way. I'll be waiting outside. lol.
And I would love to find out too, Annette!

Megan Renee said...

HAHA! Joanna you crack me up! That would be amusing to see.When you find out let me know! lol! Have a greta day and hope you are feeling better!