Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Family Time for Christmas

After our lovely Christmas dinner we sat in the living room discussing clothes are were they were purchased. Dad decided to share the time where I left the key under a rock with a note on the door for my friend, Annette, in case she showed up while we were gone shopping.
See a pattern here?! haha
All I could think of was Jeff Foxworthy-your a Redneck if.......
By that time my 7 year old niece called and was excited about what she got for Christmas. She got a hermit crab! She named him PX-not sure what that stands for by she does. On it's bad she put a dinosaur tattoo. Poor PX-scarrred for life now with this trauma.
It was so cute for her I had to share.

Merry Christmas Everyone

1 comment:

Tina said...

Hahaha... I love Jeff's whole note on the door thing with his cousin... ["His only hope was that the burglers were blind!" lol] And I used to have several hermit crabs! Hahaha... mine were probably scarred for life as well. I played with them instead of my barbies for awhile. hahahaha.
Sounds like a fun Christmas!
